
The creative principle

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 The sooner my team scores it is better for my joy
It is about my desire to see the goal as soon as possible
Something else is in my mind when I think about football
Every circumstance of one football match is worth of joy
I assume that the evolution of the game is very significante
I admit that our life work or vocation is one evolution
The work of a team is one evolution to bring us the sense
The earthly way of the ball is the way of dozens of directions
And many directions of the movement of the ball united us all
It is true that I just want to see a goal
But two minutes before this particular goal the game sought me
I sought the game with my supporting desire
When I don’t think only and only about my team I appreciate all teams
I just admit that my team is the part of the creative principle
That is something we understand when we are spectators
The football does not mean ‘There is only my own team’ It is emotion
Can I accept that one great performance of the other team is a joy
That is what I experience and I’m able to give my standing ovation
I imagine one football ticket with the printed teaching that says:
The creative priciple of the game is that you don’t hate the others

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/the-creative-principle/?shared=email&msg=fail