The Empty Seat
¶ 1
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From his seat he watched Jack Balmer, Billy Liddell then Roger Hunt
Then his favourite was Kevin Keegan when he played up the front
From that seat he clapped and cheered each and every Ian Rush goal
And how he idolised Robbie Fowler when he filled the goal king’s role
By the time of Michael Owen’s reign he found it harder to take his seat
That Scouse spirit was still willing but the flesh it was growing weak
Djibril Cisse is the new young gun. He had dreamed of seeing him score
Ticket in pocket, he passed away. Never quite made it through his door
The turnstiles clicked and the stadium filled. The Kop turned up the heat
Nobody gave thought to where he was. He was now the empty seat
¶ 2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 —–
¶ 3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 Dedicated to all who have been “the empty seat”.
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