
Following You…..Poems On & For Fans Everywhere Wanted?

WANTED! Loyal Fan Poems,, of Team or Game
And how was the season for you?..

Do let us know..in your own space and rhyme of course..?)

.meanwhile a couple of new sloshy fan poems here…
and it’s good to be back on Planet Football’s Earth ..
and still be fluffy!
as ever ..from the heart…

On Loyal Fans At Season’s End…

And who can hide this loyalty
though be it team or game
or comouflage this nervousness
pray do not feel ashamed

for you who still feel tingles
each Saturday at three
where’ere you are …right there or far
they call it loyalty

adjusting always – god -forbid
when kicking in at noon
or eight some manic Monday
as though upon the moon

then if you feel for team or game
through seasons dark and light
what thoughts to share before this ends
emotions through the fight

before it changes once again
as seasons have to do
and all becomes the past – but lasts
within the heart of you..

Crispin Thomas April 03

Following You…

I still can feel the passion
these muscles ache and tense
and who would dream
this love would last
long after innocence

to spend a childhood chasing
to travel everywhere
from East and West
and North to South
to stand beside you there

in wind and rain and hail and snow
to sit with head in heart
and all the time the longing grows
to always be a part
and if a thousand miles away
still tied like poets to rhyme
transported on the airwaves
a moment shared in time

a part of this great journey
a part of this great game
to follow you – what’ere you do
forever – now – the same
this love – this love
this football love
unfaltered – ever true
such worlds apart – but one in heart
to follow through and through


Source: https://footballpoets.org/news/2003/04/25/following-you-poems-on-for-fans-everywhere-wanted/