
Time for another ‘Team Effort’?

You might remember the fun we had adapting Book titles in football pun fashion, prompted at the time by The Big Read series on BBC2?

(see the poem entitled – The Big Read : fun with puns,
under poet : Team Effort)

This time I propose the following : a graffiti wall – read the list below and you’ll get the gist.
Any further suggestions can be marked : ‘Attn Clik’ and sent to : editors@footballpoets.org

Our thanks to Webmeister Dave who has done some work in the background, to enable this one e-mail address to reach ALL the Football Poets editors.

Dave is also hoping (at some point in the future), to re-activate the guestbook in Forum format. More details will follow.

Graffiti Wall

~ Trad ~

Jesus saves : but Dalglish nets the rebound

~ Graffiti Poet ~

“Kopites drool as Cisse Djibrils!”

“Terry’s Pure Goal!”

“Keane’s Mean!” Heinze.

“O’Shea Okay To Play!”

“Murphy’s bitter? not half!”

“Gerrard well ‘ard!”

“The Wayne in Spain causes Moysie loadsa pain!”

“Lamps Cramps Fergie’s Champs!”

“Owen, Goin’…Gone”!

“Fish nets a whopper!”

“Germany can’t but Oliver Kahn!”

“Deco Decks Dacourt!”

“Becks Flicks Flukey!”

“Real Rule” – Raul!

“Davids over the moon, Marc Overmars!”

“Shearer fleeces defences!”

“Riise to Raise game!”

“Babbel’s Bubble Burst!”

“Jesus fed the 5000 but Wayne ate all the pies!”

~ Clik the mouse ~

Lidz luvs Lodz
Manny, one of many Man U
Gazza, gizza guzzle
dissed Distin dosses
Waddle Hoddle huddle
pacey Possee passes (as in Derek Possee, ex-Millwall)
Husky Heskey has key
Dado Prso precise
fit Split flit
Totti N’Gotty grapple
Ling Tong Liddel Eyal Poe (to paraphrase the Goons)

You might well say :

Is it poetry
Or punditry
Or is it just pandering
To a meandering
mouse / muse

The whole exercise probably prompted from having to hammer home a vocal drill for one of my young offspring :

“This, that, these and those, this is the way the ‘th’ goes”.

Source: https://footballpoets.org/news/2004/08/18/time-for-another-team-effort/