
Book Reviews

2 quick book reviews/plugs here for 2 highly recommended books – “Those Feet” by David Winner; an erudite analysis of the historical relationship between English culture, notions of masculinity and football in all its manifestations. It’s funny too and I devoured it; £14.99 ISBN 0-7475-4738-6
I also recommend the following for the school library: ” Divided City” by Carnegie winning author Theresa Breslin, published by Doubleday, £10.99. This looks at 2 boys growing up in Glasgow – a lengthier review of this book will follow written by a gifted R.E. student. I will post this in the new term. Meanwhile, a massive welcome to Parry – great to have you on board, Parry.

Source: https://footballpoets.org/news/2005/08/25/book-reviews/