
Football Poets Site Archived By British Library

Just wanted to let you all know that as of 30th November 2005, the British Library has archived this site and judged it to be a representative part of our documentary heritage. For more info go to www.webarchive.org.uk There are some great and varied sites there. Classic Cafés is one of my favourites.

There are 9 main headings in all. The Football Poets site appears under two sections: within Arts & Humanities under Literature and within Sport and Recreation. We are very pleased to be recognised in this way and hope you all feel the same. We have had a message on the site for most of last year advising all contributors to this site that its archiving was in the pipeline. This is a pilot project and If the pilot is successful the archived copy of the web site will subsequently form part of our permanent collections. At the moment the site appears as 30th November. If you click on Publisher’s site, however, the current day comes up. Most sites appear to be up-dated every three months or so.

Ours and your position is always that copyright remains with the author and this will be no different in the archive. If any person, or organisation, wishes to publish your poem they will need to obtain your permission to do so. It is thus in your own best interest to supply us with a valid email address when submitting a poem.

Here’s the original invitation we recieved:

The British Library is a founding member of the UK Web Archiving Consortium consisting of The British Library, JISC, the National Archives, the National Library of Scotland, the National Library of Wales and the Wellcome Library. The Consortium is undertaking a two year pilot project to determine the long-term feasibility of archiving selected web sites.

The British Library would like to invite you to participate in this pilot project by archiving your web site (http://www.footballpoets.org/) under the terms of the appended licence. We have judged this web site to be an important part of our documentary heritage and would like it to remain available to researchers in the future.

If you are not the sole copyright owner please pass this request on to the other copyright owners. If you give The British Library permission to copy and archive your web site we will electronically store its contents on a server owned by the UK Web Archiving Consortium. We will also seek to take the necessary action to maintain its accessibility over time and ensure its future integrity. Permission to archive pertains only to the web site specified in this letter.

Please note that the Consortium reserves the right to take down any material from the archived site which, in its reasonable opinion either infringes copyright or any other intellectual property right or is likely to be illegal.

What am I doing when I grant the British Library a copyright licence?

When you grant the British Library a copyright licence, you are permitting it to make a copy of your web site, to store it and to make it accessible to the public for the duration of the project in an archive of web sites held on a server owned by the UK Web Archiving Consortium. If the project is successful, you are also permitting us to take the necessary steps to preserve your web site as part of the Library’s permanent collections and to make it accessible to the public now and in the future through a server hosted by the Library. This process might include the copying of files to different formats so that they remain accessible as hardware and software changes in the future.

Am I giving away copyright in my web site?

No. You still retain full copyright in your web site, both in the live version of your web site and the archived version in the Consortium’s archive. If any third party wanted to copy more than an insubstantial portion (as defined by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988) either from the live version of your web site or from the archived version, they would still be obliged to seek your permission.

How often will my web site be archived?

A decision will be made on the frequency of capture desirable for each web site based on the publication pattern, the importance of the information, and the stability of the site.

Source: https://footballpoets.org/news/2006/01/06/football-poets-site-archived-by-british-library/