
What is this football poetry website?

Is it …

An Association of art and alliteration?
A bedrock of budding bards?
A cornucopia of cadence and chorus?
A den for dodgy ditty devotees?
The edaphic Eldorado?
A football fandom fiefdom?
A google galaxy of germane gems and gratification?
A hoary homage to heroes?
An impelling invitation?
A jaunty jocular juxtaposition of jubilation and joy?
A kaleidoscope of kinship and kicking cant?
A lexicon of lovable lyrics lauding lardy legs?
A mish-mash of musing on many matches?
A natty network of newsworthy notation?
An oracle oozing with oxymorons?
A plagiarists paradise, or a prosaic pact with pithy players?
A quintessential quorum of quirky quips and quixotic quotations?
A restorative refuge for refulgent referees?
A ship shape shop of sacred sonnets … or snoozeville?
A tangible testimony to the teachings of teamwork? (be it tactical or taxing)
An upbeat Utopia?
A veritable vessel of vaunted verse?
A welcoming window to the World Cup, Wembley, Wimbledon and winsome waxing?
An exotic expanse? An excursion into excellence?
A yardstick of youthful yearning?
A zone where zealouts zoom in on the zeitgeist?

Whatever it may be …
We hope you find it
And exit happily

For me? Read all of the above (except Snoozeville).

Edaphic – of the soil – I chanced upon this word minutes after seeing the World Cup Final 2006 venue being dug up and the turf sold on the internet for charity.

Source: https://footballpoets.org/news/2006/08/10/what-is-this-football-poetry-website/