
Toshack or Me! (an advert)

I’m not familiar with the work of Peter Read (Peter Reid – yes) – apart from the poem he has up on this site, which is one of my favourites (see below).

Based on that, you might like to know the following sent by his agent :

Peter Read is a playwright, performance poet, creative writing tutor and actor (not necessarily in that order). We’re working on his new website, www.peterread.co.uk.

You may be interested to know that Peter Read has written a play, ‘Toshack or Me!’ to be performed at the Grand Theatre, Singleton Street, Swansea Tuesday to Friday 12 – 15 September 2006 at 7.45pm, and matinee performance on Wednesday 14 September 2006 at 2.00pm. It’s about football obsession!

“It’s the early 80’s and Dave is passionate about his beloved Swans and their quest for First Division glory under the management of St John Toshack. But not everyone shares Dave’s enthusiasm. His wife, Holly, for example. An ultimatum is made, but Dave has a valuable ally in the local vicar!”

Peter Read’s new comedy is great entertainment for anyone who loves or hates football, marriage – and Abba!

Tickets £8 (concessions £6) Box Office 01792 475715

Many thanks

Jackie Lyndon


Love Letter

No other lover could snub like you
and still survive this affair;

the constant promise of better days
dissipating in December drizzle;

the embarrassment of underachieving
before friends served adulatory notes,
your indifference to constant failure
traipsing away at the final whistle
without even looking into my eyes.

Then your tacit assumption I’ll be there
to cheer your next entrance, ignore your impotence.

I have caught pneumonia for you,
fallen through wooden seats,
chanted your name in snow,
parked, to be booked
to prevent being late
for our torrid love affair.

I have dreamt of Europe with you
but Scunthorpe, Lincoln, Hull and Carlisle
are the furthest we’ve been.

Is this a fling or a disease?

Is there a drug to take away the longing
that fastens like a vice
every Saturday and many Tuesday nights?

Or am I doomed to worship Wrexham Football Club forever?


© Peter Read 22 Jan 03

Source: https://footballpoets.org/news/2006/09/05/toshack-or-me-an-advert/