
More Jimmy Greaves @ 70 Poems & Haikus

Jimmy turned seventy this year. Now fondly regarded as some bumbling post-70s football pundit, ever cracking up alongside an equally cringey Ian St John (also a legendary player in his day for Liverpool). He later took to the in-conversation/after dinner circuit. But way before all that Jimmy was my all time hero . A self-confessed lazy goal-poacher and later alcoholic, he scored goals on mazey dribbles for fun. His descent to drink and ensuing battled is well documented. I saw him score 5 goals in one game on three occasions. Now how many players can you say that about? Any other memories out there?

Jimmy Greaves At 70 Poems

24 Feb Greaves – Emdad Rahman
Greavesie – Kevin Halls
jimmy greaves @ seventy haiku
jimmy greaves haikus – Crispin Thomas
Jimmy Greaves – P Maguire
Jimmy Greaves Was My Hero-Crispin Thomas
To A Genial Genius – Peter Tickner
The Demon Drink – Joe Reid
Hello My Name Is Jimmy Greaves & I’m An Alcoholic- Crispin Thomas

Source: https://footballpoets.org/news/2010/02/25/more-jimmy-greaves-70-poems-haikus/