
May Team Poems+Fbook Poem of The Week

Football Poets on Facebook (Shirtgate) Poem Of The Week ..
22 May Oh No! It’s June 14 1970.Leon Mexico kevin raymond

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May name- checks for Aston Villa , Benfica, Bolton,Carra, Chelsea, Coventry City, Crystal Palace England , Everton, Shirtgate, Fergie Farewell, Germany, Grass Roots, Liverpool, Man City ,Man U, Swindon Town, Tottenham, Wigan and Wolves.
29 May The Eagles have landed mark merriman
28 May One For The Back Seat Drivers kevin raymond
28 May Highfield Road-The Good Old Days
kevin halls
23 May “The Build Up” Dulwich Poet
22 May Oh No! It’s June 14 1970.Leon Mexico kevin raymond
22 May No loyalty Clik the mouse
21 May There’s No Place Like Home! kevin raymond
20 May I’ve Heard. kevin raymond
20 May The bad side of Football kevin halls
20 May Chelsea 2-1 Everton Borat Skorbard
19 May Carra: Made in Liverpool Emdad Rahman
18 May New Broom Required chris barber
17 May When….. kevin raymond
16 May Very Superstitious! kevin raymond
16 May Chelsea 2-1 Benfica Borat Skorbard
16 May Aston Villa 1-2 Chelsea Borat Skorbard
15 May Wake me up when August comes kevin halls
12 May Fergie Time mark merriman
12 May Martinezes Magic Men jim dolbear
12 May The Camberwell Carrot John J O’Connor
11 May Elementary, my dear Watson! Emdad Rahman
11 May Wiggin Alan McKean
10 May Time On His Hands.( Haiku ) jim dolbear
10 May “Grass Roots” Dulwich Poet
09 May Ah well Alan McKean
09 May Th’owd Mon Alan McKean
09 May Chelsea 2-2 Spurs Borat Skorbard
09 May For Sir Alferg. kevin raymond
08 May Time’s up for Fergie kevin halls
08 May The Final Dream gary challis
07 May To Be or Not To Be? kevin raymond
07 May I was there mark merriman
07 May Man Utd 0-1 Chelsea Borat Skorbard
05 May More Thrills and Spills Haiku kevin halls

Source: https://footballpoets.org/news/2013/05/29/may-team-poemsfbook-poem-of-the-week/