
Defeated by the Truth

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 The ball is round, after all
just like the world
so my life can revolve around it like
the world revolves around the sun
the world unites as one
and then,
when your nostalgia is done
remembering heroes of a soft focus lens
we can get back to our friends
and get on with summer
having bummed
around in June
waiting for the inevitable:
half price St George flags in Sainburys
and gingerbread men in iced England shirts
reduced to crumbs


Let’s face it, there are three generations now for whom the World Cup 1966 is just a piece of television that repeats more often than radishes.
I want to believe, I really do, but I’ve done that for the last nine World Cup tournaments and each campaign has ended in tears. It’s hard to get sherbet to fizz when its already wet…

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/defeated-by-the-truth/