Editorial Note To All Wembley Lovers, Poets and Readers
¶ 1
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…i’ve re-submitted the poem to
hopefully inspire a few more replies and memories of Wembley ..images..do we
need a national stadium etc; .anything ..and why not…
as we have had some great poems in…on it… but are only the Posperos and Shakeseperes of this world interested..when there is still the offer of that original key-ring made from dismantled bits of the
stadium (honest) .for the best one..or it a case of..so who cares?
¶ 2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 and also i’ve had a message or two about…how could you leave out….
¶ 3
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that Rattin(Argentinian ) dismissal before red-cards,
balls bursting
airships going over the stadium
abide with me (yeah but why with you-and not someone else?)
Mortensen’s Final goals for Blackpool,
black nad white afternoon mid-week England games on tele in the sixties
Auto-Windscreen Moments
FA Trophy
School-boy internationals
Bob Dylan when he brought on Van The Man and Clapton that night,
laps of honour
the steps up the royal box
the cut-up turf and the crossbars when Scotland stuffed us
The Stones
that Ricky Villa goal
it’s flipping endless..
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original poem printed earlier follows in full..cheers…
where now..the Wembley dream is over
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where now the dream is long over and gone
and your tunnel stands empty while echoes ring on?
when you ask me a place where-in legends were made
i willl show you where none but the greatest have played
from the back streets of Bolton to old London town
the joys and the sorrows the ups and the downs –
you may scour this world over but find none like this
for the ground that we dreamed on no longer exists
the end of an era that meant much to me
and so much to so many now so long Wembley
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from the very first final that opening day
they would flock in their thousands along Wembley Way
in cloth caps and bowlers they came in their scores
contained by a ‘copper’ and Billie the horse
from crowds on a touchline in Spring twenty-three
to Nelson Mandela the day he walked free
this temple and stage had its own chemistry
and the turf it was sacred at old Wembley
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from the year of my birth back in March forty-eight
from those mighty Olympics and games that have played
to Matthews and Puskas in late fifty-three
and the moment those floodlights first blazed on the scene
how they shone done in Europe those times Charlton scored
and lit up the sky on that ancient scoreboard
on down through the World Cup and long-argued goals
to Cup-Final dramas this stadium had soul
each blade of her green grass held some memory
when you ponder on glory you think on Wembley
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like nights when the twin-towers first heard rock n’roll
and Haley and Jerry Lee put on that show
those eco-laced eighties Mandela Live-Aid
when Springsteen Madonna and Jackson all played
from penalty misses to anthems and hits
we chanted with pride in Euro Ninety-Six
the day when they carried Paul Gascoigne off crying
to the fastest of goals that will stand for all time
to all of the moments that won’t come no more
the scarves and the banners that old Wembley roar
but of all of the memories that live on and on
the saddest of all is that Wembley is gone…
¶ 9 Leave a comment on verse 9 0 © Crispin Thomas
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