
One Of England’s Finest

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Young lad from a Black Country backwater
Who strode majestically in United red and
England white – power, strength, skill, guile.
A colossus; a noble stature, an innate style
That shone all too briefly before disaster struck.
Supremely confident, but with that boyish charm
He was already a star of international standard
When his youth was taken, but preserved, in ’58.
Personified the team he led – dubbed ‘Babes’ –
But he was a man in physique and persona,
If barely in age. As his character, he fought hard
For life, but Heaven’s XI wanted him more.
The equal of Matthews, Finney, Wright – and
Moore would have combined with him beautifully.
So now, gone from our midst – but not forgotten;
Laid to rest in his Dudley hometown, there’s
A statue to commemorate; Duncan Edwards RIP.

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/one-of-englands-finest/