
Over Forties League

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 My legs have gone
My knees are knackered
I’m Forty Six and feel cream crackered
But I keep on playing.
My first touch is gone
I misplace my passes
But league rules state I can’t wear my glasses.
But I keep on playing.
I’m secretary, manager
I even wash the strips
My pre match meal is pie and chips
But I keep on playing
I have played more games
Than Roy Race
Somethings have gone
Like my teeth and pace
Our average age is Fifty Six
The coach tries to teach
Old dogs new tricks.
With a flabby belly
And hamstrings tight
I’m no Alan Shearer
But i do alright
And unlike WOR ALAN
At least…..I keep on playing.

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/over-forties-league/