Blimey that was bleedin well exciting. I kept moving from armchair to the floor and back again to get nearer the telly as the end of the game cameth!
Carefree…..braised in Celery. Stay well, be lucky and keep smiling.
Peace. Kev.
Editor Note: Tell me about it Kev. Talk about watching the clock round at my mate Rik’s!! Not exactly tika-taka beautiful football but resolute performance and defending and first part of job done. And Atletico always score at home!
Just saw a great new image of the Chelsea FC logo with a bus in the middle instead of a lion.
Love or loathe the nightmare that he is, Mourinho’s right about this country and the powers that be, refusing to move games to help any (or usually in our case) the only side in the CL. Atletico of course will play on Friday again where they have always moved games in Spain for RM, Barca et all. As they do in Germany etc .
Good to hear that while Torres was throwing his shirt and applauding the AM fans (and probably also saing see you next season) that Diego Costa .was waving away and smiling at the Chelsea fans held inside after at the end as they sang “We’ll see you next year, ..we’ll see you next year..Diego Costa ..we’ll see you next year” .But can he make coffee (ouch)? (This was from someone who was there)
Bring on the 2nd leg. Just gotta watch them nipping an away goal now… Crispin
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