
Selling England’s Green and Pleasant Parks By the Pound

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 She sold off the playing fields
Pulled down the goalposts
Ripped up the pitches
And parks we loved most
She broke up our sports teams
And ripped up our kits
She snatched milk from kiddies
And smiled as she stole
She bought nuclear missiles
With the money from Cole
She smashed up the miners
The Unions she split
That wicked old tory
Maggie Thatcher… the witch.


Read an article recently (in one of the qualities) which stated that the reason for England’s poor showing in most international sport can be traced to the tory years of Maggie Thatcher and her relentless desire to sell off the parks and school football pitches….a time I sadly remember all too well. She wasn’t exactly a godsend to the shipping and coal industry either….

ParryMaguire (2004)

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/selling-englands-green-and-pleasant-parks-by-the-pound/