
Terrace Poet

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Mine is the poetry
Of the terrace of the Kop
These are words laced up
With Dalglish’s boots and Rushie’s goals
These words don’t speak of publishers
Or writer’s groups or literary circles
They call to the ghosts of Shankly
Paisley Fagan
And me Dad…

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 Mine is the poetry
Of the school playground
The concrete parks where I learned
Quickly how to stand up
On my own two feet if I wanted
To avoid falling into the dog crap
And broken glass
As I copied Keegan Lindsay and Heighway
With me Dad…

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 Mine is the poetry
Of the child learning the values
Of loyalty faith and passion
Not through lectures or sermons
But the determined strength of Callagan
The supernatural precision of Kennedy
And the creativity of Barnes
Of Liverpool Fc the umbilical cord between me
And me Dad.


ParryMaguire (2004)

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/terrace-poet/