
This Rattling Car

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 This rattling car
Can’t go too fast
The hubcaps are
A thing of the past.
The radiator drips
And won’t stop hissing
The gear stick slips,
The rear light’s missing.
The horn’s a dud,
The tyres are bald,
The engine should
Be overhauled.
The exhaust breathes smoke,
The sump’s no better,
And someone broke
The carburettor.
The handle’s glued,
The battery’s flat,
And rats have chewed
The driver’s mat.
The brake pad’s thin,
There is no heat,
But at least we’re in
The driving seat.


Shels go into the final game three points ahead of Cork.

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/this-rattling-car/