
Poems tagged ‘King Charles III Coronation’

My Coronation

People try to put me down,
Talkin’ ’bout my Coronation.
Just because I wear a crown.
Talkin’ ’bout my Coronation.

Then they claim I’m far too old,
Talkin’ ’bout my Coronation.
And I cost my weight in gold,
Raising burden of taxation.

Years back there was Charles The First,
He had a nice Coronation!
Then along came something worse –
Civil War that split the Nation.

Scrap was won by one Cromwell,
Greeted with much acclamation.
But things did not turn out well,
Cos he had no Coronation!

He closed theatres, banned football,
OMG, great consternation!
People had no fun at all,
Under his Administration.

Ollie did not last so long,
But stirred up much perturbation.
Then a new King came along,
Brought together the whole Nation.

Such a merry soul was he,
Partial to the odd libation.
Women, wine, debauchery,
Got sloshed at his Coronation!

Some now want a Re-pub-lick,
Cheesed off with my Coronation.
Such folk they just make me sick,
Probing my Tax Declaration.

Just remember Cromwell’s time,
When you knock my Coronation –
Don’t for Abolition pine,
Just enjoy my…Coronation!

Denys E. W. Jones

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/news/poem-tags/king-charles-iii-coronation/