
Here we go…….Here we go ……..again

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 All aboard for the biannual Wurlitzer
This year it’s set to be one hell of an achterbahnfart -think Alton Towers twister
Who will emerge out of the rest ?
When we know full well that we are far from the best

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 We sit with our worries on our sofas of eggshells
We polish the hope and sing of the glory
Sucked in by the hype we fly the flags high .
……….then watch those dreams fade and die
It’s such a fragile existence in our Ingerland bubble
We all know there’s gonna be 4 weeks of trouble

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 Fresh faces impress , Hey Jude it’s what you were made for…
But doors left open , a jigsaw back four
You can plan an attack but where’s the defence ?
No Carlisle Beckenbauer why didn’t they see sense ?
A muddled midfield
Where’s the shield ?

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 It’s time for a win
Let’s be there in the final
no long hurt summer of rancour and blame
If it’s not to be then keyboard warriors will ignite the flame .

5 Leave a comment on verse 5 0 The manager ponderous or measured ?
Let’s pray his selections will come to be treasured
If it’s not this one , then what’s to be done ?
…….back down that well trodden road to square one .


This is a reworking of something that I penned on the Copacabana in ’14 pondering on the prospects for Hodgsons squad .
Now sitting in a village in Italy in which -as the sole Englishman – I watched Magician Mancini’s Azzurri steal it from Somnambulant Southgates young pups

Set to be in Berlin on 14th July ……..C’mon Ingerland .

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/here-we-go-here-we-go-again/