Laughing Magpies Thieving Directors
¶ 1
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we get our laughs
us Geordies!
We’ve had our hoots
across the years of flops
and flipping failure.
Life can be very tough
up here
on this unforgiving coast
without much to toast
or boast about.
‘Igor kill!’ they used to shout
when John McNamee went in
for an early lunge,
to make the centre forward know
what was behind him
We’ve had Arthur Bottom flat on his belly
to head the ball wide
and little winger Gordon Hughes
flee towards the corner flag
with unerring aim
as they opened the gates
to let him onto Gallowgate.
Yes, we’ve had the laughs
amongst the gaffs:
the game the ref’s toupee
flew away
and dashed across the park
before he picked it up
and shoved the wig
in his top pocket;
that Bedford game we lost
when their goalie lost his contact lens
in goalmouth mud
and stilll McGuigan couldn’t score,
kneed over the bar
from under it.
We Geordies
have been rained on from a height
and taken it
and still we grin and bear
what club fortune
brings us.
So Joe Kinnear,
on the patch of Westwood,
you’ll never
take our bonny laughs
¶ 2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 KEITH ARMSTRONG
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