
moat gloat

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 from the land of Dan Petrescu
at a club called : Steaua Nicolae Balescu
comes such news
to hearten those, with forthright views
suffering too, just as we did, from pitch invasions
by errant fans, on far too many occasions
some kindred spirits, propose outlandish features
a moat installed, filled with fearsome creatures :
banks of snapping crocodiles
would soon wipe the smiles
from hooligan faces
put a stop, to moronic chases
it’s right up there, with our own scheme –
unfortunately knocked back, by Maggie’s team –
of erecting electrified fences
no more mealy mouthed pretences
of hoping it would all just go away
that we could just carry on and happily play
ignoring mayhem and anarchy on the terracing
such violent behaviour and all that menacing
but we were thwarted, with our plans
the authorities backed down, from our fans
it was a long time ago
but it all goes to show
the problems are never ending
and it’s no use pretending
that the softly softly approach, could be the answer
no, lets give reign, to the demonic chancer
who would promote the use of a keep, for keeping out
for excluding the scum, those not content, just to shout
for the majority of fans, as noisy as they are
are always welcome, whether from near or far
but for those who wish to scrap, those that transgress
for all those who’ve got us into this unholy mess
surely, there could be no better reward
for such a rabble untoward
than to be put to flight –
with more than just a snappy sound-bite!


A true story! Reported in the daily newspapers, 3rd jan 2003.

The job of ball-boy could be very hard to fill !

And wingers could become a dying breed!

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/moat-gloat/