Post-Euro 2016
¶ 1
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The wall chart is down
The games are all done,
At the end of the Euro
Portugal won.
There were high spots and low spots,
England was poor,
It didn’t take long
And they were out the back door.
Two high spots brought cheers
From the thousands of fans,
Iceland and Wales
Were not also-rans.
They played with their hearts,
Their countries were proud,
Their direct solid football
Pleased the large crowd.
Now it’s all over,
What lies ahead?
The Premier League beckons,
So much more to be said.
Transfers and money
Are moving at pace
With teams shuffling around
Lining up for the race.
I give thanks for football,
It adds to my life,
From a kid born in Dudley,
To a footballer’s wife.
The season ahead will be kicking off soon,
And when it all starts I’ll be over the moon!
¶ 2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 Ianthe Exall July 2016
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