
Terry Mancini’s Arse

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Terry Mancini’s claim to fame,
Happened after one league game.
People often ask, how come
He opted to display his bum?
What on earth was in his thoughts
When he bent down and dropped his shorts?
Did this Cockney centre-back
Decide to do it for the crack?
Though many there did darkly speak
Of balding Terry’s massive cheek.
Women fainted, children screamed,
As Terry vertically beamed.
And suddenly a surge of vomit,
Like a brightly-coloured comet,
Down the stony steps cascaded,
Till fans up to their ankles waded.
Many hardened fans go white
At what they saw that dreadful night.
And Terry, one of life’s great blokes,
Became the butt of many jokes.


Can’t remember what the game was [QPR? ORIENT?], but I remember the bould Terence getting into trouble over it.
There’s a story that Terry Mancini came over to Ireland to make his international debut,[for Ireland] and they all lined up and played the Irish National Anthem, after which Terry turned around to Ray Treacy and said,”Cor, I ‘ope ours don’t last as long as that!” A classic.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/terry-mancinis-arse/
