
The Famous Tale of Eddie Cavanagh

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Onto the Wembley pitch Eddie races.
Wearing his jacket, tie and braces!
Fleet of foot, he leaves behind the law.
And why not Eddie, 2-2 now the score!
This is the famous Eddie Cavanagh tale.
One cop pulled at his jacket, to no avail.
Eddie slipped out the jacket, arms raised.
He carried on his pitch invasion, unfazed.
So copper number 2 took up the chase.
Careful now Eddie, this guy’s got the pace!
But this is not Twickenham, Eddie beware.
That cop’s rugby tackle, that’s so unfair!
Eddie lied outstretched on the 18 yard line.
The funniest ever Cup Final moment of mine.
Brian Labone tried his best to intervene.
As 4 coppers now duly arrived at the scene!
Eddie was carted off, a legend he’d become.
In the best Cup Final, Everton have ever won!

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/the-famous-tale-of-eddie-cavanagh/