
Will you come to De Ferrari? 2023

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Will you come to De Ferrari, will you come?
Not a shadow of a doubt that you’ll have fun.
There’ll be thousands in that Square,
If you have some time to spare,
You should come to De Ferrari, you should come.

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 Well, we’ve spent nine long, hard months in Serie B,
Which is not where we believe we ought to be.
We belong in the Top Flight,
It’s our God-given birthright,
Cos we’ve been around since Eighteen Ninety-Three!

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 You can jump into the Fountain if you’re bold.
Though the water might still be a little cold.
But who cares if you get wet,
And you don’t work up a sweat?
You can tell grandkids about it when you’re old.

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 Now Sampdoria fans with envy they are green,
Cos their team is coming down to where we’ve been.
And they won’t be going back,
No, indeed with any luck,
They will sink still further down to Serie C!

5 Leave a comment on verse 5 0 So get down to De Ferrari in fifth gear.
We’ve been waiting for this moment for a year.
‘Course, Josh Wander will be there,
And we’ll toss him in the air,
Cos his cash has got us into the Top Tier!

6 Leave a comment on verse 6 0 6/5/23
Denys E. W. Jones


Saturday 6th May 2023 Genoa 2 Ascoli 1, Genoa return to Serie A after ONLY ONE YEAR! Piazza De Ferrari is the Square where football fans gather when they have something to celebrate… This poem is an extensively revised, updated re-working of a poem I wrote in 2005 entitled Will you come to De Ferrari? The original 2005 version is on this website if anybody wishes to compare and contrast the two versions.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/will-you-come-to-de-ferrari-2023/