
125 Years

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 At a meeting in a ‘Coffee House’,
In the year of eighteen eighty three
they formed Heaton Norris Rovers
a football team for all to see

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 And here we are a long time forward,
125 years to be precise
But now we’re called Stockport County,
having changed our name but twice

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 The history of our little club,
is varied but not that great
Premiership and Champions League,
will really have to wait

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 We’ve won a few tin pots along the way,
as recently as this year
When we won a cup at Wembley,
which the players filled with beer

5 Leave a comment on verse 5 0 I’ve been going to County for over 40 years,
but some’s been going longer
I’ve tried to stay away at times,
but the feeling just gets stronger

6 Leave a comment on verse 6 0 My favourite players are all heroes
Terry Park, Alan Ogley, Mickey Quinn,
Ken Fogarty, Jim Fryatt,
Kevin Francis, Mickey Flynn

7 Leave a comment on verse 7 0 Then there’s Bennett, Marsden, Cooper
Another favourite three
Not forgetting Les Bradd,
he scored a ‘hat trick’ at Barnsley

8 Leave a comment on verse 8 0 Alun Armstrong, Stuart Lee,
Paul Hart and Sammy Mac,
Stevie Sherlock, John Rutter
Jim Gannon at the back

9 Leave a comment on verse 9 0 I’ve had some favourite ‘bosses’,
not least Sir Danny B
He came all the way from Uruguay,
to manage the County

10 Leave a comment on verse 10 0 Davey Jones took us to the second tier,
Megson’s football wasn’t pretty
But for that one magical season,
We were in a division higher than (Man) City

11 Leave a comment on verse 11 0 We had a bad start to the millennium
poor decisions made regarding ‘bosses’,
especially Carlton Palmer,
with his record 32 losses

12 Leave a comment on verse 12 0 But nowadays things are back on the up,
we are on the glory trail
The football’s great, but the pitch is crap,
if we could just get rid of Sale (Sharks)


I wrote this poem during the summer of 2008 after Stockport County had finished their 125th Anniversary celebrations by (finally) winning at Wembley.
Editor Note: Great to get a poem about Stockport County. The first we’ve had. I’m gonna be working at a school VERY nearby on World Book Day March 5th, running football poetry workshops with the kids at Cale Green School..i will point them in the diretion of your lovely poem .best wishes Crispin

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/125-years/