
Eveything But The Kitchen Sink

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 cancelled planes and midnight striving
relocation relocation
fill the airwaves hype the country
move the goalposts thrill the nation

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 cold war dramas Moscow calling
drained emotions charged and battered
edging hedging screaming scheming
has there been a finer final ?

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 neutrals seething we should be there
thickened plots that boil and gather
in momentum carpe diem
seize the night and steal the day

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 weary travellers half elated
half ecstatic half depeleted
will we rise up as a country
can we learn upon this stage ?

5 Leave a comment on verse 5 0 England’s finest gave their utmost
always sad when one must lose
and regardless of our favourites
isn’t that why we all choose..football


As crazy as it was to drag so many so far, I just l wanted to say congratulations to the fans and players of both sides ,for making it a thrilling spectacle after all. In the face of the neutral and the rival fan ,who can sneer to their hearts content at the money ,class , petulance and and arrogance of success , it was still a great battle between two sides who challenge contunuously for the title of the most hated club in the country… but still delivered on the night. Hearts go out to JT .It could so easily have been Ronaldo, who was awesome in the first half, lying in tears of sorrow instead of relief and joy. Still it’s just a game eh?

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/eveything-but-the-kitchen-sink/