
Highs and lows

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 You can keep your modern day football
With admission prices as high as the seats
From up here even Peter Crouch
Looks the size of a subuteo player
Yet the programme notes inform me
He is Six Foot Seven.
When I first came to St James Park as a lad
An old man used to trundle around the pitch
Shouting ‘Peanuts Tanner a bag’
Then throw his wares high up into
The Gallowgate end terraces.
He would have to have arms like Popeye to reach me now
Or carry a spare rocket launcher in his old wicker basket.
I have always dreamed of seeing United
Reach great heights
Only now I have beaten them to it………..Up here on level Seven.

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/highs-and-lows/