
How many of the resident chelsea ‘fans’

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 have actually followed their team to moscow
to soak up the atmosphere
first time in a euro final
and your not there???


Editor ;Great name Prawn Plassy. We love imaginative parent name choices. Re: Moscow and our absence. We’re football poets not footballers.There are loads like myself (Crispin, Clik, Kev, Rick and Nick )who would love to have been there but not for £1000 which is what most of my better off and worse off mates have spent.Good luck to all the fans who’ve shelled out that much from both teams to spend a day in a holding camp..and catch a glimpse of the Red Square and Cristiano’s orange and Didier’s pink boots.
..Sadly we’re not all as well off as some of Man USA and Chelski’s fans…Even for those who hate both clubs so much it’s still a good day for British football (to coin yet another over-used and over-hyped cliché)…if not a trifle impractical and totally un-environmentally friendly.
Good luck to both , we;ll be in the pub and Roll on Glastonbury..

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/how-many-of-the-resident-chelsea-fans/