
Football Poets

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Is all well with Football Poets ?
as it seems to have lost it’s bite,
is something going on behind the scenes
because it just doesn’t seem right ?

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 Poems used to come in daily
expressing the love of football,
but lately it’s gone really quiet
and some days there’s nowt at all.

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 Have some poets got fed up
and decided to call it a day ?
or instead of writing about it
they prefer to watch their team play ?

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 The home section used to be lively
you’d scroll down to take a look,
poetry of nostalgia and haiku’s
and poem of the week on Facebook.

5 Leave a comment on verse 5 0 So let’s hope it’s just a blip
as I reckon Football poets is great,
it’s the only one of it’s kind
and it’s not past it’s sell by date !


As my poem says is all well on the site now ? Because for days not much comes up when before it was busy daily. And looking at the HOME section it hasn’t moved on for a while. Maybe it’s taking a breather after the World Cup if so forgive my concern !

Editor Note: Feeling the same Kev. Is it WC fatigue? At least you can be glad you have a ground back though.

It doesn’t feel like the season has started and already (as usual) the PL is about to be broken up by another meaningless international that England ‘fans’ are really un-excited by, following an abysmal WC.

I guess we all need to be inspired by each other. Nothing wrong our end, just very quiet that’s all. Aside form the old site itself still unchanged (!) but that didn’t strop the outrageous amount of WC poems/haikus.

On a personal level, will be glad when the transfer deadline is over on Monday .

Keep on.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/football-poets-2/