
Poems tagged ‘Corruption’

A World Cup Without Greed

I wonder will there ever be
aside from this facade we see
a World Cup for the human race
and not this FIFA run disgrace
so far removed now from its youth
this World Cup without love or truth

where we are told what we must wear
or eat or drink or else beware
this marketing monopoly
to bleed the likes of you and me
corruption at the heart of all
the big boys rise the little fall
this suited millionaire pay day
so far removed from Jules Rimet
where profit dominates their plans
this World Cup without thought for fans

we know their faces and their names
we know exactly who’s to blame
the back-handers went on for years
the honest bids that end in tears
this homophobia we hear
that FIFA tell is is not there
and still refuses to correct
this racism that dwells unchecked
and just for once I’d love to see
a World Cup with humility

the dodgy products they promote
the corp’rate prize on which they gloat
awarding hosts whose human rights
are left ignored in oversight
how did we let it go this way
and what else can we do today
to bring us back to what we need
a People’s Cup without the greed?

I wonder will we ever stand
against these tyrants hand in hand
whose only care for our small lives
is that we buy their merchandise
and sit there like some cardboard crowd
who shell out loads to be allowed
and never wonder how we cope
this World Cup without love or hope.

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Source: http://footballpoets.org/news/poem-tags/corruption/