
Absolutely No Class.

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Having read the transcripts from the court
I suddenly had a thought
After hearing what was said out on the pitch,
The rumblings down the tunnel,
Or post match ire on who was culpable
Of actually speaking as or being labelled racist.

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 If that was banter, do be brief
Not as far I can see
None of it made pretty pleasant reading
The insults being hurled
In massive plain speak should be labelled:

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 My conclusions after reading
Is that Anton could never win
When other parties came in to the play (sic)
Agent’s, bro, PR, PA’s
Intent on wanting to have their say
On what was said by whom out on the pitch.

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 Anton’s statement though pretty vague
Doesn’t mean to say
The reasons for said trial did not occur
What I’m trying to explain
Is maybe another mouthpiece fouled the play
Having had his own agenda for said slur?

5 Leave a comment on verse 5 0 I ain’t defending our clubs captain
Who being frank (sic) has made a habit?
Of putting both his feet in it too much
But then them twits what tweet on twitter
Do the same but that much quicker
Whilst one or two of them are wireless neath the crust.

6 Leave a comment on verse 6 0 I mean. A 140 characters and a Mac,
To a drug test avoidance chap
Who preferred to go a swanning round the shops?
Is a dangerous tool to have at hand
Sitting miffed inside his mansion
Irked, who feels the need to throw a strop.

7 Leave a comment on verse 7 0 What concerns me though after reading?
Are players who profess to wanna play for England?
Enjoying the life or riley from the grass
May have honours thrust upon them
Mansions, cash, and skills to burn
Yet the majority of them don’t have any class!


A really bad week this past one has been for the beautiful game, and no messing. This one is gonna run and run methinks.

Players contracts are being changed at the moment to deter the usage of social media sites, and thus them commenting on things they know very little about: abiding by the the law, left from right, right from wrong, honesty, the price of bread, the real world, etc, etc.

It could take a while though as half of them can’t read and don’t know what social media or indeed a contract actually means!

Go well and be lucky.




Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/absolutely-no-class/