In Memory of Llew Beaton~Football Poet
¶ 1
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Have you ever been real friends with someone
Although you have never met?
I have, and his name is Llew Beaton
And his kindness I’ll never forget.
He contacted me after reading
What I wrote after Francis had died,
‘The Knots in The Lace’
Touched him so deeply,
He said when he read it, he cried.
It was Llew who suggested I send it
To the Football Poets site,
I did and then it was published
And so now I continue to write.
He wrote for them for a full twelve years,
A hundred and one poems in all.
All clever, well-written, some funny,
Celebrating the game of the round leather ball.
Llew had such talent and gave me advice,
He had a great sense of humour
And was just thoroughly nice.
The news this week that Llew had died
Was sad beyond belief,
We are surely all here united
In our sadness and our grief.
Love goes out to Leonora,
His sweet and loving wife,
It’s hard to deal with losing someone
With whom you’ve shared a life.
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