
On Brazil Switzerland & Nigeria haiku -WC Day 9

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Brazil 2-0 Costa Rica

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 play-acting aside
just a glimpse of this Brazil
In those six minutes

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 Serbia 1-2 Switzerland

5 Leave a comment on verse 5 0 late Shaqiri touch
Squeezes under Stojkovic
Swiss roll sweetly on

6 Leave a comment on verse 6 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

7 Leave a comment on verse 7 0 Nigeria 2-0 Iceland

8 Leave a comment on verse 8 0 Musa repays faith
Nigeria are transformed
Messi lies in wait


On Brazil
I was working again but keeping tabs via a live-feed so only actually caught the last 6 minutes of Brazil-Costas Rica live. So- like the haiku, I only got to see the play in added time, which turned out to be the Brazil we all want and expect. Sounded from ther feed, that was the only six minutes of our concept of Brazil everyone else glimpsed…if that makes sense?

On Nigeria
Sad to see our thunderclap friends Iceland fall . With Musa the difference, can Nigeria now really give a struggling Messi and Co a run for their money? Somehow you just feel Argentina will step up to the Plate…or end up in the River (ouch.) But how I’d live to see those garish zig zag green shirts advance..if only to boost Nigerian economy with merch sales.

On Switzerland
What a come back. Write them off at your peril.

Still no nil-nils…with so many teams already ii the situation of having to really go for it in their second games…

So will we get through the tournament unscathed, without any ..or will it really start to get cagey in the one-off knock out matches?

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/on-brazil-switzerland-nigeria-haiku-wc-day-9/
