
The Lodger Joey Jones.

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Joey.
When you first played for us
Our star was on the wane
We never ever thought that
It would rise again
You were one
Of John Neals boys
When you were at Wrexham
You definitely were not
A thoroughbred
Like one might see at Epsom!
In all the time
You graced our team
You always gave your all
You were always one of the first names
That true fans can recall
Lets hear it
For the full back
Who never went back home
He slept under
The stand at Stamford Bridge
The lodger Joey Jones!!!


Mickey Thomas and Joey Jones both kipped under the stand during the week at the Bridge and went home to Wales at the weekend!



Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/the-lodger-joey-jones/
