
The Shooter!

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 The shooter ties his hoss up
Tips his hat to ward off sun
Slips out of the saddle
Checks ivory handled guns
His spurs echo on the side walk
As he walks to the saloon
An air of expectation’s rife
He’ll be in there quite soon
People dive for cover
They know why he’s here
He walks up to the counter
Orders up a beer
He stands with bandy legs apart
A pristine clean white shirt
His nickname is Der Bomber
His team-mates call him Gert!


Yes I know hoss is spelt wrong but in all JT Edsons Western stories thats how he spelt it!

Oh by the way Gert Mueller is the great German striker with the bandy legs and triffic* goal scoring record!

*Cockney for terrific

Pretty surreal or what?



Eds :
the legend’s name is Gerd Muller.

Often mispronounced as ‘Gert’.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/the-shooter/