
Book Work Telegram: footballpoets.tripod.com

Contributors are working hard to organise a book for 2004. The intention is to include a team of 11 poets and that team will be, needless to say, swapping shirts with Shakespeare. The team list is being finalised, as we speak, as are the title and illustrations. The guest book carries the latest news of the to-ings and fro-ings, comings and goings, as Sooner Gooner coordinates matters and keeps everyone up to date. Michael is burning the midnight oil and his lucubrations act as a beacon and pathfinder to us all – please look at footballpoets.tripod.com for the latest news. Many thanks to everyone for their energy, enthusiasm and talents! More information to follow.

Source: https://footballpoets.org/news/2003/11/25/book-work-telegram-footballpoets-tripod-com/