
Kop a Load of That!

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 What a real cup final
should be like:
years of mediocrity forgotten
as two attack-minded
teams slug it out
toe to toe on the
glorious green carpet.
Who would have thought
that Liverpool could come
back from the dead again?
Groundhog Day in the
Welsh capital.
Ferocious pace of the game
takes its toll on
finely tuned athletes
who, by the end, can
barely walk,
falling, one by one,
like wounded soldiers
on the battlefield.
Yet who could forget
Raina’s clownish antics?
Rafa’s touchline histrionics?
Stevie G’s supersonic strikes?
Raina’s telescopic arm extended
to save his team in extra time?
The players’ chronic fatigue?
Fans’ pride in their team?
A game to savour,
to remember.


Best cup final in years. Well done to both teams!

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/kop-a-load-of-that/