
Sacha Dispel

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The English, in general, have hated the French
I watched Parky on Saturday night
Listened to and moved by Sacha Distel’s story
Of when he was a kid
About when his parents hid
During the war
Their own son they had to ignore
He hadn’t a clue
As to their whereabouts
Whether or not they were alive or dead
He was sent off to the priests
Out in the country
Torn away from his family
Torn apart by fear and worry
Then the English arrived and
Drove away the enemy
Repatriated France
Released them from the Nazi shackles
So many of them indebted
And Sacha’s respect so obvious
So why is there no reciprocal admiration
Why all this anti Francophile indignation?
My wife cites the ‘Empire’ factor
I can understand that, because she’s Irish
And then the kettle boiled and I made a cup of tea
So twee
Quintessentially English
And I lost my train of thought
And it turned instead to sport
Obviously, as Match of the Day follows Parky
But when I returned to my diatribe
I began to feel ashamed of my tribe
Why is it traditionally so, that we don’t like the French?
Think back to Eric Cantona, David Ginola,
Platini, Zidane, Lepoof & Desailly
Arsene, all and Wenger
All the epitome of splendour
We can love them, we have done and still do
So why don’t we show it more, me and you?

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/sacha-dispel/