
Wishfull thinking

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Well done you whites you have finally come great !
Theres plenty more games but is it to late !
Lets hope we can end in a play off spot !
But its wembley again and it costs a lot !
But never the less we must save our bread !
And stay in this weekend instead !
Have a few cans or a bottle of bells!
Or see what they have at your local Patels !
Save all your money as London is dear !
If we go three times no holiday this year !
But that’s what could happen if all goes to plan !
So save a little extra for that trip to Milan !

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 Denn wishful thinking


Three Wembley trips were on the cards that season and fans beginning to panic at the thought of the cost,but what the hell its our passion and if we win the cup and into europe who knows the whites could be playing in Milan.

Source: https://footballpoets.org/poems/wishfull-thinking/