
450 Missing Children….

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Currently 450 missing young people
On a charity’s list
According to a source on MSN
And whilst the media hunts
On behalf of the McCann family
Who at the football today
Watching the giant video screens
Wearing yellow ribbons
Gave a thought to those unknown
Missing faces spaces
Brothers sisters children
Who do not come from
White Middle Class families
Whose glamourous image the media sprawl
What of the silent ones the invisible
Unamed lost
Whose images fade like vapour trails
Spare a thought for those
Whose loss
Is the same tragic cost.


Sorry it this seems a little harsh, not meant to be, but there is something not quite right about the way the Madeline McCann case is being turned into a bandwagon celebrity circus crusade. Something distasteful about it, but no one dares say for fear of offence. So many kids go missing, abducted, the plight of child soldiers in Africa, many many unknown lives, but barely a mention and certainly less ‘prayers’ on people’s lips. Yet the projected image of a ‘pretty white middle class child’ stirs a nation into action.

Just a thought.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/450-missing-children/