
Free Ticket

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Walking the line up to the theatre
of surfergiereality*
without a script, the iron stairs after the turn-
stile, with thousands of steps.
And looking down towards the players
all of the crowd are Olympians
and watching their team with them
is not such a sentence
although some of the singing
is not very welcoming
to visitors from the Eastlands.


Manchester United v Dynamo Kiev about two weeks ago. And a bit of the language of the old Cold War seems to have found its way into this poem without any political meaning intended. The editors might turn this one away: *surfergiereality could be a new word or it could already be on Google. It is a pretentious mixture of meaning derived from “surreal” and “Sir Fergie”.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/free-ticket/