
Same Old England Acrostic (Coach Trip 4)

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 S enseless scrappy scoreless sameness
A bject awful average aimless
M aladjusted meek marooned
E very effort ends en-tombed

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 O ver-blown overacting
L imp lethargic listless lacking
D ire displays draw desperate days

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 E mpty edgy endless excuses
N umbing nothing non-producers
G raceless gormless ghastly grafters
L ifeless lame lacklustre laughters
A pathetic artless anxious
N on-commital narrow nervous
D ark deflated devastation – dwindling dreams desperation


Who would be a coach and who would be a coach driver? Yes we have a coach but do we have a driver ? Yes we have players but are they more than just over-paid and in some cases when desperation calls ..over-age passengers?

Be honest- you kind of knew it was on the cards. I blame the players -but it doesn’t help when (after how many years Drabio ?) we still
can’t understand a flipping word our ‘manager’ comes out with. A ‘manager’ who still can’t learn the language and still utters post match (and presumably pre-match and in-match) un-intelligible waffle. “Grumpy bus/coach -driver” was a possible but faltering suggestion today….but one which fails to respect the thankless fact that bus drivers take peoples lives in their hands daily and drive them to their destination safely.

This England journey has been a fraught nightmare drive since 1966. Fifty one million population but we’re still blinded by the endlessly growing list of flashy flamboyant foreigh stars who by their presence alone (and their agent’s )boost overseas TV rights and big up our stalwart Premier League old fashioned grit players and make them look good.How long will we go on NOT developing youth as Spain, Brazil and obviously Montenegro do too now it seems? . Great display by Scotland though. Thoughts?

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/same-old-england-acrostic-coach-trip-4/