
Real Madrid- Champions League winners again

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Now we knew it would happen
Sooner or later
Because it always has
Like a venerable uncle
Who everybody loves
A priceless Ming vase
Or decorative
Constable painting
Real Madrid, yes
Those peerless maestros
Now European Cup holders
Or Champions League victors
In the modern currency
For just a barely believable
15th time
Abacuses totally surplus
To requirements
Forget it
No need for 1970s calculators
Di Stefano, Gento, Puskas
The three Madrid miracle workers
Back on that night of
Of elegant exhibitionism
When football defied explanation
In 1960 when Eintracht Frankfurt
Were demolished 7-3 at Hampden Park
Rose petals of lyrical hives of
Passing and finishing that blew
The senses and sensibilities into
That rarefied world
Where football is played on
Mars, Venus and Mercury
Last night England’s Jude Bellingham
Gave a dress rehearsal hopefully
For Euro 2024 and England
We can only hope Hey Jude
Becomes top of the charts
In German beerkellers
The lad has it in spades
Impulses in his veins
That send electrifying
Currents through
Gareth Southgate’s
Celebrated 22 and
Eventually 11
Will hope to recall
The last moments
Against France
In World Cup 2022
And that agonised
Moment in World Cup
Yelping and biting
Cushions and gnashing
Yet more teeth
When Croatia drove
Gareth’s boys
Onto another hard shoulder
World Cup semi final
So close and yet
So far
England’s timeless story
It has to be our time


Real Madrid- in a class of their own and England in Euro 2024.

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/real-madrid-champions-league-winners-again/