
Away Day Poem

1 Leave a comment on verse 1 0 Dawn isn’t even a hint in the sky,
yet it’s time to get up before it’s too late,
fling on some gear and head out the door,
to a coach or the car or a lift with a mate.
Today’s an away day and we’re on our way.

2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 The road ahead yawning out in the dark,
as carriageway lights strobe back to our pasts,
all those other games in our talk and recall,
how many hours left till our score is cast?
Today’s an away day and we’re on our way.

3 Leave a comment on verse 3 0 Motorway service stations stopping for a bite,
clock our support’s faces amongst the throng,
the new fans, the occasionals, the never missed a game,
a nod a few words then we must move on.
Today’s an away day and we’re on our way.

4 Leave a comment on verse 4 0 And all the other teams as we pass them by,
different shirts different colours, scarves different stripes,
traversing the country whatever the league,
this is regular football, not premier hype.
Today’s an away day and we’re on our way.

5 Leave a comment on verse 5 0 Destination signs counting down the last miles,
park up get out and follow the flow,
a pint in a pub or a burger from a van,
the line ups are out to the stadium we’ll go.
Today’s an away day and we’re on our way.

6 Leave a comment on verse 6 0 Patted down by security while waiting in line,
The turnstiles are open and it’s time to pass through,
to this home from our home in a once hostile zone.
We’re living this moment, inhaling the view.
Today’s an away day and we’re on our way.

7 Leave a comment on verse 7 0 The players run out to a throat-clearing roar,
for this is our calling our shirt and our team,
the coin toss is made, the whistle is blown,
and this is what life is, our theatre, our dreams,
and every away day is a day to believe.


As it’s the first day of the season, this one is for all those away fans starting their travels up and down the country.

It was originally published in the Portsmouth v Carlisle programme on October 21st 2023

Source: http://footballpoets.org/poems/away-day-poem/