It’s NOT my seat!
¶ 1
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I sit in the Carlsberg stand, which once was the Spion Kop,
Sponsorship and seating have prevailed over our tradition,
I long for the days of frostbitten toes and aching back,
That the terraces gave, not perdition.
¶ 2
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Like a barricade to banter, an obstacle to orators,
The plastic Claret and Amber molded form fits not my rear,
I and the stranger to my right, fidget constantly to prevent DVT,
The only respite being when we score and all leap up to cheer.
¶ 3
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Bring back the terraces, where song and praise were born,
The hymns of yesteryear don’t echo anymore,
Let me stand on the cold, cold concrete,
Let me sing to the heavens once more.
¶ 4
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The steward shouts “sit down!” as we rise while in our passion,
“you get thrown out if you don’t”, “you have to, it’s the law”
The crowd goes quiet until Hitler makes his way,
And they wonder, why an air of soullessness, is ever to the fore.
¶ 5
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Bring back the terrace where my youth still lingers on,
Bring back the jostling for a view,
Bring back the crush from fellow fan upon the cold steel barrier,
As we sang the songs, that true fans sang, bring back and start anew.
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