Pass It To Roy Bentley!
¶ 1
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Last night as I lay sleeping a strange dream kept on repeating
We’d five at the back five in attack and Petr Cech for our safe keeping
The forwards were tremendous as the cheering crowd stupendous
Sat in awe and watched them score against demoralised defenders
Wee Pat Nevin crossed it over to be flicked on by Franco Zola
David Speedie never greedy passed it gently to Roy Bentley
Roy Bentley started mixing with defenders who tried fixing
The gaping holes that had let in goals from him and Kerry Dixon
Opposition was in a rut as goals scored by the glut
Flew in to their net to such regret, how many? I forgot!
In the dream I see Roy Bentley like a Jaguar purring gently
Taking pens and scoring ten in one game against the Wednesday!
Though other forwards be your choice my dream gave me this voice
It whispered to me ever so gently ‘Pass it To Roy Bentley’ !!!
¶ 2 Leave a comment on verse 2 0 peace.
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