

  • Profile picture of David Sanderson

    David Sanderson posted an update 3 months ago

    Here we go , here we go ……….again
    Why this national obsession with pinning our all onto a dream ?

    All aboard for the biannual Wurlitzer
    This year it’s set to be one hell of an achterbahnfart -think Alton Towers twister
    Who will emerge out of the rest ?
    When we know full well that we are far from the best

    We sit with our worries on our sofas of eggshells
    We polish the hope and sing of the glory
    Sucked in by the hype we fly the flags high .
    ……….then watch those dreams fade and die
    It’s such a fragile existence in our Ingerland bubble
    We all know there’s gonna be 4 weeks of trouble

    Fresh faces impress , Hey Jude it’s what you were made for…
    But doors left open , a jigsaw back four
    You can plan an attack but where’s the defence
    No Carlisle Beckenbauer why didn’t they see sense ?
    A muddled midfield
    Where’s the shield ?

    It’s time for a win
    Let’s be there in the final
    no long hurt summer of rancour and blame
    If it’s not to be then keyboard warriors will ignite the flame .

    The manager ponderous or measured ?
    Let’s pray his selections will come to be treasured
    If it’s not this one , then what’s to be done ?
    …….back down that well trodden road to square one .

Source: http://footballpoets.org/members/david53sanderson/activity/15143/