• In those icy waters, with winter coming on, a computer guides the conqueror worm to its target. At Goose Green, a playing pitch has been cratered with bombs. The shrapnel in a soldier’s chest outweighs the thud of the soccer ball: the patriotic lust to win on the football field, England versus Argentina, never saw […]
  • Prince Harry dresses for a fancy dress party swastikaed in Nazi uniform. Di Canio proffers a fascist salute after his team Lazio beats Roma 3-1. What of all the misery, blood, and horror that occurred under that salute and that crooked cross? Christopher T. George
  • Throw out the French deck, farm out the dreck, advertise your best, make a quid or two– Michael to Madrid, Danny to Charlton; bring in Luis, Fernando, Xabi, Mauricio. . . shuffle them all around, and then what do you have? What do you have? Christopher T. George
  • A branch of May: a memory of how at age five I ran across Penny Lane railway bridge, a crayoned Union Jack flapping in my hand. 1953: Coronation Year! In class at Dovedale Primary I received a mug with the young Queen’s portrait and a Fairy Delta glinted high above our damp schoolyard –we broke […]
  • A prime example of a player who should put his game where his mouth is, a footballer who will never come within spitting distance of fame. Christopher T. George